CIRCUIT is working with you to make CO2 a renewable resource.

Program Objectives

1. Scientific knowledge. Carbon utilisation is a blooming multidisciplinary field of research. From carbon capture to chemical and biological transformations, trainees will have an overview on the properties of CO2 and on the best possible ways to valorize CO2 emissions.

2. Corporative citizenship. Industries need to evolve within fixed boundaries and to respect environmental and governmental laws, economic restrictions, and other societal rules. High qualified personnel (HQP) willing to contribute to industrial growth have to learn the inner workings of the chemical industry.

3. Innovation ladder. Through their internship program and special workshops, trainees will work in diverse research environments so they can experience the various steps required for scientific innovations to become industrial and commercial realities.

4. Communication for growth. A misconception is that respecting environmental laws and reducing our carbon footprint is a costly endeavour, when in fact it can be a source of economic growth. Part of that misconception is caused by a lack of communication between academia, industry and public. Emphasis will be put so trainees can efficiently communicate with both industry and public.


You are interested in CIRCUIT and you are…


Find out about the program components and contact us if you are interested. The CREATE program is demanding and requires a commitment, but in return it gives you a personalized formation, help you getting contacts with industry and give advantageous financial conditions.


Your industry works in the field of CO2 capture, valorization and/or utilisation, you have innovative projects that would require highly qualified personnel? Contact us! We are always looking for stimulating and innovative internship opportunities for our students. See here the companies that support us.


You are concerned about the environment, you want to know more about the issues related to CO2? Contact our experts. CIRCUIT members each have a specific expertise and they will be pleased to advise you.