In order to limit the impact of climate change, it is imperative to reduce CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. With this CREATE program, CIRCUIT plans to have CO2 become a renewable resource by helping industries to develop carbon neutral processes while training the next generation of high qualified personnel.




Centre for Innovation and Research on Carbon Utilization in Industrial Technologies


CIRCUIT is a pan-Canadian collaborative initiative funded by NSERC's Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program (CREATE).

Our Team

Discover the members who make up the dynamic team of CIRCUIT. CIRCUIT is a pan-Canadian, Interdisciplinary group that brings together researchers from universities, government, non-governmental and private sector organizations.

All those interested in the utilization of carbon in industrial processes are invited to propose collaborative projects. We are open to suggestions and are ready to carry out innovative research in this field.


Our Students

Coming from different backgrounds, CIRCUIT students are highly motivated. The requirements of the program are high and they will have to complete several courses, training sessions and webinars in addition to being involved in the governance of the program. They will be faced with some interesting challenges and will have to try to solve, in part, the beautiful puzzle of using carbon in industrial processes.

Program Components


Industrial Internships

Together with our industrial partners, we work to find motivating and relevant internships for students in the program.



“CO2, a scientific and social perspective" is a course specially developed for the students of the program to know the global challenges related to CO2.


Always with the motivation to train highly qualified personnel in the field of CO2 utilisation, students will be able to attend webinars on new breakthroughs.
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Professional Training

With the training modules developed specifically for CIRCUIT, students will be able to acquire skills they need for an industrial career. The five main skills targeted by the program are: creative thinking, communication, management, entrepreneurship and ethics in knowledge transfer.

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Summer School

CIRCUIT organizes a summer school every year to allow members of industry, academia and students to share ideas on how to meet the challenges of CO2 utilization.

Outreach Activities

CIRCUIT members will be able to participate in various scientific outreach activities. Indeed, we are developing collaborations with established groups specializing in the popularization of science in order to share the knowledge acquired within the CREATE program.


Here you will find the most recent developments concerning CIRCUIT.


CIRCUIT organizes several events each year: webinars, conferences and summer school. Stay tuned.

"The challenges of CO2 capture, valorization and use in industrial processes are essential for the future of our societies, and it is essential to train highly qualified personnel in order to respond to these challenges in transversal and global ways. CIRCUIT offers to participating students the opportunity to acquire the academic and professional skills that will enable them to become vectors of change."

— Frédéric-Georges Fontaine, director