Summer Schools are where you CREATE your future.

Québec- INRS 2024

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Our invited speakers

  • Nader Mahinpey

    Professor and IRC & Schulich Chair

    NSERC Industrial Research Chair in CO2 Capture Technologies

    Schulich Industry Research Chair in Carbon Capture and Conversion

    Prof. N. Mahinpey (UCalgary, P.h.D, P.Eng, FCIC) holds an NSERC IRC in Novel CO2 Capture Technologies and has over 20 years of collective experience with industry and academia. In 2022, he was awarded the Schulich Industry Research Chair in CO2 Capture and Conversion Technologies. He actively promotes national and international high-caliber research programs in the CO2 capture and conversion area and alternative clean energy solutions.

    Prof. Mahinpey has developed transformative solid sorbents for low-temperature and high-temperature, direct-air carbon capture—reducing emissions by 47%, capture costs by 60%, and energy dispensed by 50%. Further, his innovative Chemical Looping Processes (Combustion, Gasification, and Reforming) for high-temperature CO2 capture and conversion demonstrate high energy efficiency. Recently, these innovations have produced eight patents and invaluable mentorship for dozens of trainees.

    His expertise involves the application of catalysts/materials, chemical reaction engineering, kinetics, and mass transfer to energy and environment fields. Prof. Mahinpey has served as Member of Technical Advisory Group at different companies. He is the Associate Editor of the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering and also a member of the CSChE Board of Directors (Director of Subject Divisions and Local Sections). Prof. Mahinpey has been the recipient of many awards in university, national and international levels.

  • Catalina Sanchez-Roa

    Head of Carbon Mineralization

    Deep Sky

    Catalina Sanchez-Roa is leading Deep Sky's search for permanent carbon mineralization sites. Previously, Catalina Sanchez-Roa was a climate scientist working on Carbon Capture and Storage at Columbia University, University College London and, more recently, Boston Consulting Group. Over the past 12 years, her technical expertise has been in understanding Earth systems for carbon mineralization, geothermal energy, earthquake mechanics and induced seismicity. In particular, her work focuses on proof of concept and optimization of geologic carbon storage as a means of mitigating climate change.

Your workshops

  • Patrick Faubert


    August 6th, 10:30 a.m.

    Professor in industrial ecology and climate change mitigation

    Codirector of Chaire en éco-conseil and Carbone boréal

    Département des sciences fondamentales, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi


    Patrick Faubert is a professor in industrial ecology and climate change mitigation. He is the codirector of the Chaire en éco-conseil and Carbone boréal at the Département des sciences fondamentales of the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. His research themes on the operationalization of sustainable development include 1) the management of industrial by-products for the development of industrial ecology and a circular economy, 2) the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and achieving carbon neutrality for public and private organizations, and 3) the measurement and quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from various ecosystems.

  • Laurence Girard


    August 6th, 1:45 p.m.

    Academic trainings, conferences, cocktails. Networking situations multiply throughout our careers, and we often underestimate the power of our network. Therefore, this workshop aims to demystify networking, provide tips and tricks for initiating and ending conversations, as well as methods for efficiency. Participants will then be able to test their new knowledge among themselves and define their own way of networking.


    Laurence began her networking journey six years ago at the Jeune Chambre de commerce de Québec to support her career development, as she was not an outgoing person. Since, she has conducted many networking workshops to the members of the JCCQ, l'École d'entrepreneuriat de Québec and Entrepreneuriat Laval (UL). Working in customer experience at Sépaq, she still uses networking skills in multiple situations.

  • Milad Aghabararnejad


    August 7th, 10:15 a.m.

    Senior Engineer / Project Manager, CanmetENERGY in Varennes

    Energy Efficiency and Technology Sector

    Natural Resources Canada | Government of Canada


    More information coming.

Here is your Summer School schedule.

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