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Webinar with Jean-Marc Fleury

Hello World! Communications: for my career, for my community. 

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Jean-Marc Fleury is associate professor at the Department of Communication and Information, Université Laval, where he held the Bell Globemedia Chair in Science Journalism. He was also the first director of the World Federation of Science Journalists. 

He worked initially as a science journalist in newspapers and magazines. But most of his career was with the International Development Research Centre, in Ottawa, where he particularly enjoyed helping move research results into policies. 

Jean-Marc put in place training programs in science communication and science journalism in Canada and internationally. More recently, he initiated (risky) research into the development of algorithms which would help distinguish marginal and bad science from scientific consensus (when there is consensus!). 

His degree is in Physics Engineering. 

10 février

David Sinton's lecture

6 avril

Lecture by Phil De Luna