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Lecture by Martin Castonguay

Intellectual Property : what is it ? How is it protected and how to benefit from it ?

This presentation will first provide an overview of the nature of intellectual property.  After briefly touching on copyright, trademarks, industrial design and integrated circuit topographies, we will look closely at the form of intellectual property scientists and engineers are most likely to deal with: patents.  The criteria required for an ”invention” to be patentable will be presented.  Why would one want to get a patent ?  The sometimes long and winding road to obtaining a patent will be described: how does one proceed to file a patent application, is it costly and who decides if the patent is granted ?  How does one use a patent and how can patents be a source of income ?  The most common components of a license will be discussed.   

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20 mai

Lecture by Louis-Cesar Pasquier - INRS

22 octobre

Prof. Guerrero-Perez and RodrÍguez-Castellón